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Colleen Lee’s Piano Recital






蕭邦 夜曲 作品27 

蕭邦 練習曲 作品10 第3首 

蕭邦 第二首敘事曲 作品38

蕭邦 第三首敘事曲 作品47 

蕭邦 流暢行版與大波蘭舞曲 作品22

李斯特 兩首演奏會練習曲

李斯特 培特拉卡的14行詩第104首 

李斯特 艾斯特莊園的噴泉 

李斯特 浮士德圓舞曲 

舒曼/李斯特 奉獻 

李斯特/蕭邦 選自六首波蘭歌曲 作品74 




New Hong Kong Philharmonia 保留更改節目之權利,恕不另行通知




An evening of piano mastery by Hong Kong's most prominent pianist Colleen Lee. Prepare to be transported through the works of the giants of the piano repertoire.


Program features the timeless compositions of Frédéric Chopin. From enchanting Nocturnes to dazzling Etudes, each piece promises to captivate your senses. The Ballades will take us on an emotional journey, revealing Chopin's profound musical storytelling. The grandeur of the Andante Spianato and Grand Polonaise will leave us in awe.


The second half of the concert ventures into Liszt's world, where masterful technique meets poetic expression. Prepare to be spellbound by the brilliance and artistry of this exceptional pianist.


Tonight, we gather to witness a performance that will linger in our hearts and minds for years to come. Enjoy this extraordinary evening of piano music at its finest.




Chopin Deux Nocturnes Op. 27

Chopin Etude Op.10 No. 3

Chopin Ballade No. 2, Op. 38

Chopin Ballade No. 3, Op. 47

Chopin Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise Op. 22


Liszt Two Concert Etudes

Liszt Sonetto 104 del Petrarca

Schumann/Liszt Widmung

Liszt Les jeux d’ eaux à la Villa d’ Este

Liszt Valse de l’ opéra “ Faust” de Gounod

Liszt/Chopin Selections from Six Polish Songs, Op. 74


     Meine Freundin

     Die Heimkehr


New Hong Kong Philharmonia reserves the right to change programme without prior notice

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