“A wonderful world class guitarist" Daily Voice (USA)
“Leaving the audience with an infinite pleasant and unforgettable aftertaste after the concert” Gendai Guitar (Japan)
World renowned Guitarist Diego Campagna returns to Hong Kong! Have a Baroque and Beyond conversation and experience the profound influence of the Baroque era with Maestro Campagna - from Bach and Scarlatti, to Granados and Dowland. This unforgettable evening unites the timeless beauty of the Baroque era with Maestro Campagna and the NHKP Baroque Chamber Orchestra - jointly presenting chamber works by Vivaldi, Boccherini, and more! Join us and embark on this captivating journey!
This concert is supported by the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong, and the Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong.
Bach Fugue in G minor BWV 1000
Scarlatti Sonatas in D minor, K1 and K213
Vivaldi Guitar Concerto in D major RV 93
Boccherini Guitar Quintet in G major G 448
Granados Spanish Dance No. 2: Oriental
Dyens Tango en Skaï
Dowland A Fantasy
Gagnon Sépia for Guitar and Strings
世界著名古典結他大師Diego Campagna再度重臨香港!Campagna 大師的音樂,被當代其中一本最重要的結他音樂雜誌《現代結他》譽為:「繞樑三日… 在音樂會結束後給觀眾留下無限愉悅和難忘的回憶!」Campagna 大師革新了古典結他,他的獨奏會亦在世界各地備受追捧。Campagna大師將為香港樂迷帶來一場以巴洛克主題為主軸的音樂會,與樂迷進行一場超越時代的對話,體驗巴洛克音樂的深遠影響——從巴赫和斯卡拉蒂,到格拉納多斯和道蘭。 聯同 NHKP 巴洛克室內樂團為樂迷送上韋華第和博切里尼的室內樂作品!
巴赫 G小調賦格 BWV 1000
史卡拉第 奏鳴曲 K1 和 K213
韋華第 D大調協奏曲 RV 93
博凱里尼 G大調五重奏 G 448
格拉納多斯 西班牙舞曲第2號《東方風情》
迪恩斯 《探戈》
道蘭 幻想曲
加農 棕