New Hong Kong Philharmonia
Established in 2018, New Hong Kong Philharmonia (NHKP) aims to Bring the World to Hong Kong and Bring Hong Kong to the World. Through bringing in world-class artists to give performances in Hong Kong, NHKP has dedicated itself to providing local musicians with the opportunities to work with top-notch artists. Through organizing concerts, music tours, and cultural exchange programs, we build a collaborative network between the musicians and internationally well-known artists, including Sir Bertie Higgins (American Singer and Composer), Diego Campagna (Internationally renowned Guitarist), Rachel Cheung (Van Cliburn Competition Audience Award winner), Cong Quartet (the most prominent string quartet in Hong Kong) and Stefano Pagliani(former Concertmaster of the La Scala Theatre Orchestra).
NHKP fosters interest in classical music among local audiences and new generations by organizing high-quality classical concerts and music events, and has reached over 10,000 audiences.
New Hong Kong Philharmonia (NHKP) 於2018年成立,是香港活躍的藝團之一。NHKP銳意推廣高質素的古典音樂會及音樂活動,培育大眾和新一代對古典音樂的興趣。自2018起至今,與NHKP合作過的國際知名音樂家及藝團包括鋼琴家張緯晴及黃蔚然、本地弦樂四重奏Cong Quartet,國際知名意大利古典吉他演奏家Diego Campagna、意大利La Scala Theatre Orchestra前樂團首席Stefano Pagliani、美國唱作歌手 Sir Bertie Higgins以及著名作曲家陳怡博士。
自2018年,NHKP 舉行超過30場音樂會,將古典音樂帶給超過一萬名觀眾。NHKP同時為本地有潛能之年輕音樂學生提供豐富的音樂學習及體驗活動,包括香港青年音樂節及作曲工作坊等,孕育年輕一代對古典音樂的熱誠及創作力。